
Klever Kanine Dog Obedience School Inc.

Joining details are on our home page.
Training days, times and maps of our three schools are below.
When sending a message, please choose the branch of Klever Kanine that you are interested in.

    Contact Us

    Please choose the branch of Klever Kanine that you are interested in :
    RidgehavenMt BarkerBelair


    Sunday Mornings
    Ashley Avenue Reserve, Ashley Avenue, Ridgehaven.

    10 am – Beginners, Grades 1, 2 and 3
    11 am – Grades 4, 5 and 6

    Joining details are on our home page.

    New beginners need to attend 15 minutes before scheduled class time to register, pay membership and have vaccination certificate sighted.

    New beginners need to attend 15 minutes before scheduled class time to register, pay membership and have vaccination certificate sighted.


    Wednesday evenings
    Belair Primary School Main Road, Belair

    7:15 pm – Beginners, Grades 1, and 2
    8:00 pm – Grades 3, 4, 5 and 6

    Joining details are on our home page.

    New beginners need to attend 15 minutes before scheduled class time to register, pay membership and have vaccination certificate sighted.


    Saturday mornings
    Mt Barker South Primary School Princes Road, Mt Barker

    10 am – Beginners, Grades 1 and 2
    11 am – Grades 3, 4, 5 and 6

    Joining details are on our home page.

    New beginners need to attend 15 minutes before scheduled class time to register, pay membership and have vaccination certificate sighted.